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PanchakarmaThe Penta Bio purification therapy, glory of Ayurveda is established world wide.  In the main cities of almost  all the countries through out the world Panchakarma centers have been established to improve the health condition for both healthy and diseased persons. Various Universities in abroad are offering B.Sc (Hons.) in Ayurveda, among them Tames Valley University, London, Middlesex University, UK, Akumai University, USA, are offering PG Diploma with the collaboration of Indian Universities, namely Gujrat Ayurvedic University, Jamnagar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Kerala University, Tiruvanthapuram.

Ø      Panchakarma with it’s multidimensional activities purifies the body, expels out the morbid materials (Toxins) from body, makes human disease free.  

Ø      This unique Penta Bio purification therapy is useful for healthy persons to restore their health, prevents the oncoming diseases.

Ø      Panchakarma delays the ageing process, Rejuvenates, makes body suitable to accept Rasayana Therapy (Rejuvenative Therapy )

Ø      Panchakarma is helpful to cure almost all diseases by expelling out the morbid materials (Toxins) which are stored in body in a huge amount. When ever the pathology removes from the body, it becomes disease free.

Ø      The multi utility Panchakarma center can be started in a short time with a minimum cost around 40,000/ rupees initially.

A nominal fee can be collected form the patients as well as from the healthy individuals to undergo the Panchakarma procedures, that will collect revenue for government. Fees may be exempted for  the persons who are under BPL category and for others, this may be  charged for each procedures like this :-

1. Snehana therapy (Oliation therapy)- massage all over body with Baspa Svedana (Sudation therapy) – Rs,- 40/- per day.  

2.  Vamana Karma (Emetic therapy) – Total 5 days program, Rs- 200/- for whole procedure . 

3.  Virechana Karma (Purgation therapy) – 6 days program, Rs- 175/- for whole procedure. 

4.  Niruha Basti Karma (Degoction enama therapy) – Rs- 35 /- per day. 

5 .  Anuvasana Basti (Oil enema therapy) – Rs- 20/- per day. 

6 .  Sastik Sali Pinda Sveda (Massage all over body with medicated milk-rice preparation) – 7 days program, Rs  – 300/- for whole procedure. 

7.  Patra Pinda Sveda (Leaf pouch fomentation therapy with oil & leaf)  Rs – 30 /- per day.  

8.  Shirodhara (pouring oil or buttermilk over fore head)  - Rs- 175 /- for whole procedure.     

9.  Shirobasti (Keeping medicated oil over head by a special technique) – 7 days program - Rs- 200/- for whole procedure.  

10.  Kati Basti / Janu basti (A special technique to reduce pain over back & knee joint by keeping oil for a certain time)  Rs- 20/- per day.                 

11.  Raktamooksana (Blood letting, Bio letting procedure) – 3 days program,- Rs- 60/- for whole procedure.   

12.  Jalouka Avacharana ( Leach application over the effected area of skin disease) – Rs- 40 /- per sitting        

13.  Akshi Tarpanam ( Keeping medicated ghee over eyes for a certain time)  

14.   Agnikarma (Bio heating therapy) – Rs- 30/- per sitting. 

15.  Udvartanam (Massage whole body by herbal fine dust in opposite direction to reduce extra fat) – 7 days procedure, Rs- 250/- for whole procedure.   

 œ  A Training program on Panchakarma can be conducted for graduate doctors as well as for Medical     

     Officers, for 120 credit hours, with both theory and practical interaction, that will be a pioneer in 

     North East.

œ   The Panchakarma therapy can be the most color full feather on the hat of Tripura Tourism, to

     attract tourists and foreigners to take the advantage of Panchakarma like Kerala



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